This summer, the Utah Legislature voted to cut funding for essential services just as Utah was reaching its highest recorded COVID-19 infection rate to date. According to the recent Tribune article , some modest funding was able to be saved from the chopping block for education and human services, but the cuts will still result in the closure of at least three community health clinics and other essential services. And my neighborhood, Rose Park, will lose funding for the Jordan River Parkway, a vital resource for nearby nature that is critical right now, as we are holed up in our houses to weather the pandemic. Additional funding was cut for air quality monitoring, even as we know that new research links poor air quality with higher deaths due to coronavirus. Rose Park. The name Rose Park should call to mind a pristine field lined with delicate roses. One would imagine the air is sweet and crisp from the abundance of roses. But there’s nothing sweet about the air in Rose Park. I...