
Showing posts from June, 2019

What Free College Really Means

It’s not just about tuition. It’s a way to reassert the power of public goods in America. from NYT > Top Stories

Trump’s Iran Strategy Will Fail. Here’s Why.

‘Maximum pressure’ will only strengthen the Revolutionary Guards, which has recast itself as the defender of a new, nationalist narrative. from NYT > Top Stories

The Court Mitch McConnell Built

Has it become hopelessly partisan? from NYT > Top Stories

Everyone Wants a Rescue Dog. Not Everyone Can Have One.

“You get a maltipoo in here and you’re likely to see a blood bath,” a shelter director said. from NYT > Top Stories

What Kyrie Irving brings to the Brooklyn Nets

SportsPulse: The move everyone has been anticipating finally happened: Kyrie Irving is a Brooklyn Net. As Jeff Zillgitt puts it, that will come with some pros and cons for the Nets.             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Pop divas Christine and the Queens and Janelle Monae dominate Glastonbury's last day

Janelle Monae, Billie Eilish, Christine and the Queens and Kylie make their mark on the festival. from BBC News - Home

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What do you do on an Android phone that cannot be done on an iPhone?

Ask HN: What do you do on an Android phone that cannot be done on an iPhone? 2 by belltaco | 0 comments

Officials Warn of Wasp ‘Super Nests’ in Alabama


A Canadian political cartoonist's drawing of Donald Trump went viral. Two days later, he was fired

A Canadian political cartoonist said he was let go from his freelance contract two days after his cartoon featuring President Donald Trump went viral.             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Nate Lashley's inspiring story: A plane crash and the will to keep playing golf

While a junior at Arizona, Nate Lashley's parents and girlfriend were killed in a plane crash on their way home from watching him compete.             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Facebook aims to prevent census misinformation after criticism for voter suppression ads

Facebook will work to prevent misinformation about the 2020 census, the company announced Sunday, and also launched a civil rights task force .             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Mobile users can now switch providers with one simple text

Phone customers will be able to switch providers with a single free text under new rules. from BBC News - Home

Kevin Durant to sign with Brooklyn Nets

Kevin Durant says he will signing with the Brooklyn Nets, leaving the Golden State Warriors after three seasons with the move at the start of NBA free agency             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Opinion: Kevin Durant makes risky move with Nets, but has chance to lead young team to top

Kevin Durant’s aggressive restlessness has led him to a new frontier in the NBA, to a franchise that was very recently among the league’s worst.             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Leg fat 'better than belly fat' for older women

Carrying fat on legs instead of the belly protects postmenopausal women from heart disease, a study suggests. from BBC News - Home

Childcare might become 'available only in rich areas'

MPs warn that childcare in England risks becoming accessible only to the wealthy. from BBC News - Home

E.J. Dionne: The 2020 issue that matters is democracy itself

Washington • The future of American democracy will be on the ballot next year. No one should pretend otherwise. We witnessed President Trump's obvious disdain for democratic rights and liberties once again last week during his warm encounter in Japan with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin. And the U.S. Supreme Court’s partisan, anti-democratic decision on gerrymandering, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, showed how dangerous it would be to expand a right-wing majority hellbent on making our system less inclusive, less fair and less equal. For these reasons, Democratic primary voters should not be knocked for making "electability" their highest criterion in picking a presidential candidate. Of course judging who is most likely to win is a difficult and rather subjective enterprise. And this calculation must not be a cover for sexism. But Democrats have no room for error. They need to avoid the sectarian infighting for which their party is famous and find a candida